The SSDA is a member-led network.
Everything we do is informed by listening to our members and understanding the needs, concerns and priorities of the businesses, enterprises and communities of the South of Scotland.
Every March we have a member survey to take stock of where we are as a network. We invite members and partners of the SSDA to take a few moments to complete this short survey, giving their feedback on how the SSDA is doing.
COMPLETE THE SURVEY (deadline 25 March)
We have consulted very extensively over the last year in developing the hugely ambitious Responsible Tourism Strategy, with over 40 local meetings listening to local businesses. From this, we have a clear business-led plan of what we will do in the coming months and years. We will hold ourselves, and all public agencies, accountable to this plan, with detailed quarterly, public reporting, as we work to increase our visitor economy by £1bn over the next decade.
Given we have had this open consultation, this year’s annual member survey is purely focused on listening to members’ perspective on how we’re doing, rather than ask again what we should be doing in the coming period.
The Responsible Tourism Strategy will be formally launched at the Annual Conference on the 20th March.
You can see live updates on exactly what the SSDA is doing at any given time HERE.